Sunday 15 September 2019

Mid Autumn Festival, 2019 September

Every Year Mid Autumn Festival there will be nice lantern display. Went to Gardens by The Bay to picture them weeks ago. The weather was subtle, atmosphere was good.Took some nice pics to share. I find last year one a tad better but well .. Here goes!

No photographer will miss this scene. It's too obvious to pass. I like using wide angle for most of my shots. I love it!

 Didnt managed to capture super tree lights into this pics if otherwise will be gorgeous.

 Captured with wide angle & cropped. With most background lighted & nice reflection, this looks so captivating.

 The backdrop nice ya!

 I am very particular about the exposure of the buildings behind the scene. I have to watch front exposure while exposing correctly the hind exposure of the buildings. Lucky managed to pull it off nicely.

 This is another short bridge no short of visitors walking pass. I had to  wait until no people quickly snap! It's not exactly well lit. Had to use slightly long exposure to compensate for lack of light.

 Standing in the middle of road where buggy cars buzz by (lucky they drive super slow cos alot of people walking around. but i don't really care la. I have to take a good pic le! Notice the giant baby sculpture far right background. i purposely include this inside the pic.

 Side view. someone caught in my shots.

 So difficult to wait until no one walks across.

 Huge vase that is. There are different animal signs in every lantern, four faceted i never took all sides.

 Whole rows of lantern. Thought it was nice so stopped to take a pic.

 Took from other end. Can't stop people from walking so caught in shot again.

 Should have moved closer and taken another shot. Its actually a revolving screen telling some stories. I missed that.

 There's a story theme behind this. Marriage procession i guess. Interesting!

 It's a bit challenging to take this shot as i am standing on a steel/wooden bridge, one of the main entrance leading to the park. It's vibrating vigorously when people walked pass. I have to bump up iso but with small aperture to keep everything sharp, take the pic as quick as possible to prevent camera shake. Phew! .. sweating.

 Now this is a nice one. Same thing took this right in the middle of the shaking bridge. A golden chance no people walks near quickly take!

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