Wednesday 28 November 2018

Company Batam Trip (Aviation Services PL) 03Nov - 04Nov2018

Went for my first company trip to Batam Indonesia early November. Though is a short trip i am elated! Loving it fully..grateful for the invitation 😍

4 of us went one day earlier (better for me cannnot wake up early next day). 
Rest of contingent will join us next day for the full day tour.

 I have to start with the ferry ride we had. Nice! yes its business class seats are comfy but the stairs looks daunting. It won't be appealing to Ah Pek and ah Ma though...

Was happy until i see the flight of steep stairs (smile dropped onto the floor) leading up to business class area. Me lugging heavy camera equipment challenging.. phew puff puff panting!

waiting for vessel to move. starts to get cozy.

See 3 of them taking business class so happy..though only ferry ride also super happy.

 Nice scenery here. slowly departing out of Singapore we are on our way. 

Sun setting soon. by time we arrive Batam can eat dinner already! i can't wait till then.

Dear shoes, you will be needing to do alot of walking tomorrow... 

Our hotel room inter-connected with other room. The huge glass window overlooking swimming pool good i like! We never lock the connecting door happy happy just go other room sit down on the couch and chit chat haha!

K. settle down already quickly go take dinner at SUSHI TEI here i come you wait ah.! Aarrgh it's drizzling outside...

That tissue lying there looked eyesore forgot to remove. The desserts are nice though.


Woke up to this splendid view in the morning and it already perk up my day. It's 6am Batam time. Go ask Pauline to go for a swim first! (Their room dark dark still le.. curtains down cannot see anything) ... wait for a little while lor

Breakfast time! don't know why always makes people feel hungry instantly. Probably because of the spread see already cannot tahan! Faster eat then we going to ferry terminal to receive our VIPs.

Waiting at lobby for tour guide to come pick us to go ferry terminal to welcome rest of platoon.

The curry puff we have been all waiting for.. Take pics first if not later all gone..!

These are the Sardine ones. First try but it doesn't seems to excite my tastebud intensely.
Not super nice passable only.

Finally.. all came. hoarded onto bus and off we go. Tour starts.

Eating curry puff already.

First stop WELCOME TO BATAM monument.
look at our classy GM. Nice post!

Vaguely remember Kat finished whole packet of atap chee all by herself le! It's yummy to be honest.

At the Coffee factory.. 
I don drink coffee but it smelled really pungent infiltrating every inch of air molecules in that room.

kopi tasting session.. so spirit lifting. All fully awake!

公豆, 母豆 if i depicted it correctly. 

Jacinta having hard time counting money? is no wonder we are spending in 50/100 Ks each time... 

Not allowed to take pictures at soap factory.
Can only take outside view.

Not the nicest, not young coconut. Got coconut flesh but is stubbornly hard to scrap. emm.. drink coke better la. 😐

Lured here by strong recommendations from other bloggers website. I find food so so only. Probably we on tour group price atas food no up table. wahaha. Spread is alot ok can do!

This pot of curry yummy though. It blends well with rice. I like!

Sky looks treacherous with heavy dark clouds. It did rain afterwards.

Didn't have a chance to go Belarang bridge as it was drizzling heavily.
Nah..! attach pictures i took earlier time when i went to Batam.

Chemistree Cafe.
Part of 2nd floor on glass flooring quite unique.

Contemplating what to order. Just had our lunch we are filled up to brim leow.
Mostly ordered drinks too full.

Siew Leng idea to stick our foot out. Contrast against the see through glass floor. Should gather more feet will be nicer!

The mood is good, composition is good. nice pic.

What you call this again. Chee-ring??

Susan's Iconic smile. 

Now i really fancied this one. The sweet sweet pinkish colour blew me away.

Don't ask me why this drink like slanted ah. Only while editing saw the 2 tables misaligned i couldnt salvage it in any way... 😢

Poor Kat happened to be in front of the building when i took this pics. Haven fully smile yet i snapped d pic leow...

Dinner at Duck King restaurant. The food served was good i thought. The best of what we had earlier.
Oops! The photographer had gone into the spoon...

Now come the fun part... KARAOKE!
After a long crazy night all tired & drained. Session ended around 2am Spore time everyone's dead beat. Go back hotel 关灯 放狗 睡觉

Enjoy the pics ya ... 😁

like twins..  aiyor action also identical.!

Nice swimming pool. If i ever have chance to come stay here again i would love to swim in it.

My two Cents
It's a great trip we experienced together. Learnt the culture of a country and that we cannot take things for granted eg the importance of tissue papers when we visit toilets! Thanks to my dear colleagues Susan, Kim, Kat and others who helped me to carry my cumbersome tripod n stuffs and thanks for having me on this trip.

Compiled a video. Please watch it at your free time.
It's a crappy video which i am not really familiar with tried my hands on for the first time.

watching it in minimized window on youtube rendered sharper images. 

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